Este artículo se centra en poder identificar y elaborar aquellas experiencias invalidantes del self que generan sufrimiento y sintomatología, una fobia social grave, para transformarlo, a través del trabajo psicoterapéutico en experiencia de ser, pasando antes por la experiencia de “atreverse a ser”.
Se muestran tres viñetas de iniciativas de una paciente de 18 años que consulta un año antes deprimida y bloqueada; su desarrollo emocional estaba detenido por una vergüenza extrema cuando yo la veo. En este momento no estaba asistiendo a clase.
Palabras clave:
Fobia social,
Vergüenza extrema,
“Atreverse a ser”,
This paper focus on identify and elaborate those invalidating experiences of self that generates suffering and symptoms. Here, in a serious case of social phobia, the experiences
are transformed through psychotherapeutic work into an experience of being, first though
it was necessary to experience “daring to be”.
I shall give vignettes of three initiatives taken by an 18‐year‐old patient who sought therapy
one year ago. When she first consulted she was depressed and felt blocked; her emotional development had ground to halt due to extreme shame; she was no longer going to class at that time.
Keywords: Experience, Self, Social phobia, Extreme shame, “Daring to be”, Self‐cuttings.
Molet, Laura (2013). Atreverse a ser. Clínica e Investigación Relacional, 7 (1): 143‐152. [ISSN 1988‐2939] [Recuperado de ].